
Ware Family Dentistry Services

From preventive cleaning and services to cosmetic and restorative services, Ware Family Dentistry is here for your whole family. Come see the difference with our caring professionals and cutting edge techniques. Browse our services below by clicking to read more.

Comprehensive Exams:
Ware Family Dentistry - Vero Beach, FLOur comprehensive exams focus on lifetime dental care to avoid pain, tooth loss and expensive dental procedures. We provide a complete check up atleast twice a year to ensure early detection any issues from cavities to cracks and bone loss. Our goal is to treat small dental issues before they grow into larger, more expensive issues.

Call us now to schedule your comprehensive dental exam.

The Healthy Start System ™
Healthy Start - Ware Family Dentistry

Prevent Rather Than Correct
The Healthy Start System™ is a revolutionary departure from traditional orthodontics that treats children early, is non-invasive, and is a natural way of straightening teeth. It works as well as or better than braces, plastic aligners, surgery, or any other options to achieve a picture-perfect, beautiful smile. Dr. Ware is one of only a few doctors in this area trained to offer this innovative new system! Read More…

Emergency Dental Care:

Ware Family Dentistry - Vero Beach, FLFacing a dental emergency is distressing, but you’re not alone. We are equipped to handle many urgent dental issues that disrupt your comfort and daily life. Whether it’s a fractured tooth causing excruciating pain or an abscess demanding immediate attention, you can count on us to be your dependable partner in resolving any dental emergency promptly. Your well-being is our priority, and we’re dedicated to alleviating your discomfort and restoring your oral health as quickly as possible. Click to learn more about Emergency Dental Services.

Ware Family Dentistry - Vero Beach, FLDespite our best efforts, sometimes saving a tooth is not possible or may not be the best long-term solution. Whether it’s from trauma, gum infections, cracked teeth or large cavities, we will discuss all options and together decide what is best for you.

If extractions are necessary, we will provide what you need to ensure the most pleasant and comfortable experience possible. And don’t worry, we can provide tooth replacement options so you will always have that beautiful smile!


Ware Family Dentistry - Vero Beach, FLDental implants can provide the look and feel of a normal, natural tooth and can be a great option to replacing missing teeth. Whether you are missing one tooth, several, or all of your teeth, dental implants may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Implants to do not come in and out and they allow you to talk and eat normally without being self-conscious about something moving or slipping. Call today for a free implant consultation to see if they are right for you!

Teeth Whitening:
Have a special event coming up and want that Hollywood white smile? Or have you just always wanted whiter teeth but were told your teeth wouldn’t whiten? We have several different whitening options both in office and at home to fit your time frame and to whiten even the darkest of stains. VIEW THE KOR BROCHURE HERE

Kor Teeth Whitening at Ware Family Dentistry

Kor Teeth Whitening at Ware Family Dentistry

Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

Botulinum toxin, commonly known as Botox, is widely used in the cosmetic industry for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. However, it is also a highly effective treatment for orofacial pain, such as jaw tension and temporomandibular joint disorders. Botox injections can help relax the muscles in these areas, providing relief from discomfort and improving overall quality of life. Whether for cosmetic or medical purposes, botulinum toxin is a versatile and valuable tool in the field of healthcare.

Botox Treatment - Ware Family Dentistry

Dental Mouth Guards:
Ware Family Dentistry - Vero Beach, FLMouth guards are used for various reasons in dentistry; from protecting your teeth while playing sports, preventing damage to your teeth or restorations while you sleep, to alleviating tension and headaches caused by clenching or grinding. There are many options available from the type and size of the appliance to your very own custom color or design. Stop in today to get started with the right guard for you!
Periodontal/ Gum Disease Treatment:
Ware Family Dentistry - Vero Beach, FLGum disease is a painless bacterial infection in the surrounding tissues that support your teeth and affects over 48% of adults in America. It is extremely important to have a periodontal evaluation as many patients do not even know they have the disease. Periodontal disease has also been linked to several other serious health risks such as heart disease, diabetes, pre-term babies, stroke and pancreatic cancer. Our ultimate goal is to prevent our patients from ever having this disease, but at the very least we want to ensure early diagnosis and treatment when the infection is present.

There are several treatment options that will be discussed based on your individual need and the severity of the disease present. These treatments can include deep therapeutic cleanings, laser bacterial reduction therapy, localized antibiotics and anti-microbial mouth rinses. The most important part of treating periodontal disease it to ensure proper follow-up and maintenance procedures after the initial treatment. This would include using an electric toothbrush (try one in our office and receive a full size tube of toothpaste all for FREE!) and committing to maintenance cleanings every 3-4 months to ensure the disease stays managed and under control.

If you are experiencing bleeding, swollen, tender gums, bad breath, loose teeth, or pus between your teeth and gums be sure to call us ASAP to have a simple and quick periodontal evaluation.

Root Canal Therapy:

Ware Family Dentistry - Vero Beach, FLAlthough root canals are the most feared dental procedure, sometimes they are necessary and may be the best and only way to save your tooth. Thanks to advancements in technology, root canals no longer require multiple visits and can often be completed in a single appointment with minimal to no discomfort. Root canals can actually relieve you of pain and can prevent infections from spreading or causing more complicated oral issues.

If you are having severe tooth pain, discomfort with hot and cold, swollen or tender areas around your teeth, or a pimple on your gums that may come and go, call us now to be evaluated to ensure you are infection and pain free.

Read More About Root Canals

Dental Crowns:

Ware Family Dentistry - Vero Beach, FLA crown is a tooth colored and tooth shaped cap that fits over a tooth to increase it’s strength and longevity. Crowns are needed when a tooth is cracked or broken, has large caries, is discolored or has defects. Our crowns are now an easier and faster process thanks to our goopless ITERO scanner! Come on in to check it out!


Ware Family Dentistry - Vero Beach, FLThink braces are just for kids and only to make teeth look straight? Think again! Now with clear aligner therapy, aligning the teeth is for everyone of all ages and our treatment goals go far beyond a straight smile. Aligning your teeth to the proper position helps prevent other dental related issues such as chipped teeth, periodontal disease, receding gums, loose teeth, TMD, sensitivity, and headaches.

The best lifetime care anyone can receive always includes an orthodontic evaluation to ensure the proper placement and function of your teeth to keep them healthy forever. It’s quick and easy to get started using our ITERO scanner, there’s no goopy impressions needed and a virtual movie showing what your results could be is completed in less than 15 minutes! Make an appointment today for your orthodontic evaluation and see exactly how we can help. Special financing options right for your budget are available!

Sleep Apnea Treatment

If you suffer from snoring or mild to moderate sleep apnea, there’s good news. There is now an FDA-approved treatment available for those who cannot tolerate a CPAP machine. This treatment can help you get a good night’s sleep and prevent potentially dangerous health issues associated with sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor about this treatment option and start sleeping better tonight.

Cosmetic Dentistry

No matter who you are, you deserve to like what you see when you smile! Tooth flaws like chips, stains, cracks and gaps are often the first things people notice about your mouth, however. That’s why we’re proud to offer state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry near you in Vero Beach, FL. Whether we resolve flaws with porcelain veneers or remove stains with teeth whitening, the restoration dentists at Ware Family Dentistry can help take your teeth to the next level. You’re in the best hands with our cosmetic dentistry experts! After you complete your treatment, we know that you’ll be amazed by the new smile that you see in your reflection.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are prosthetic devices that fill the gap created by one or more missing teeth. They are anchored onto neighboring teeth or implants to restore your smile’s functionality and aesthetics. You might need a dental bridge to prevent remaining teeth from shifting, which can lead to bite problems and jaw pain, as well as to improve your ability to chew and speak and to maintain the natural shape of your face.